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Get Road Ready: 

Summer Series on Fleet & Asset Tracking

Summertime is usually equated with travel plans. But what about those “things” that are already on the move? Did you know that by 2027 an estimated 256 billion parcels will be shipped around the globe? That’s an annual compound growth rate of 59% - and think of all the fleets that are moving those shipments. Each one has tracking, sensors and data flowing to track, report and optimize their journey. 

Sign up today to be the first to receive exclusive 10-minute interviews of helpful content for the fleet & asset tracking industry straight to your inbox. Stay informed, inspired, and ahead of the curve with our bite-sized insights, trend analysis, and helpful tips from these expert interviews. 

Episode 1:
Global Connectivity for Always-On Solutions

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June 4th with Curtis Govan
President, Americas

Kicking off our summer series is floLIVE Americas President Curtis Govan discussing the all-encompassing challenge of global connectivity in the fleet and asset industry. With a complex connectivity ecosystem, ensuring always-on connectivity that is high-performance and consistent in behavior is extremely tricky, but not impossible. Get key insights on worldwide connectivity in this session. 

Episode 2:
Cross-Border, Cross-Network Connectivity: How to Overcome
Going Dark


June 18th with Luigi Capobianco 
Senior Vice President, Europe & the Middle East

As devices move across networks, the expectation of a seamless hand-off isn’t always met and that’s because there is a lot of activity in the background ensuring that happens.
Have you ensured that your devices and network know what to do during those critical network switching moments? floLIVE EMEA SVP Luigi Capobianco can give you the tips and tricks you need to keep your devices out of the dark in this session. 

Episode 3:
Mobile Eyes on the Road and Beyond

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July 9th with Chen Porat
Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific and Africa

The rise of vehicle cameras, whether they are in-cabin, dashboard-fixed, or outside of the vehicle, are allowing fleet managers to have eyes on the road and drivers to support safety, insurance, and compliance. These critical data communications are supported by not just the right connectivity but the right location of connectivity.
floLIVE APAC SVP Chen Porat demystifies this connectivity conundrum in this session.

Episode 4:
Removing the Cringe from Regulatory Compliance Across Borders

Rony Cohen

July 23 with Rony Cohen
 Co-Founder & Head of Business Development 

Data privacy and roaming regulations can make moving from point A to point B feel less like a straight line and more of an operational migraine. The way data moves as telematics solutions move is equally important in a regulatory complex environment.
Rony Cohen, floLIVE Co-Founder and Head of Business Development, untangles the challenges in this session.

Episode 5:
eUICC, eSIM, Single SKU: SIM-plified Connectivity in Fleet Telematics

Bill Wark

August 6 with Bill Wark, Senior Vice President, Americas

Looking for SIM-plicity when it comes to powering connectivity?
SIM choices abound – UICC, eUICC, eSIM, Multi-IMSI – making it difficult to choose the right one for specific use cases and it’s even further complicated when you add in multiple SIMs for multiple network providers.
floLIVE Americas SVP Bill Wark explains how a single-SKU approach can significantly remove the complexities of connectivity in this session.

Don't miss out!