Analyst Report: What are the Criteria for Selecting a Global IoT Connectivity Partner?

The IoT connectivity market is forecast to grow strongly between now and 2025, at which point 43% of contracts are projected to be global and regional, rather than national. While the benefits are clear, and start with a single partnership - they can’t be entered without due consideration and diligence.

This report, written by Tom Rebbeck, Research Director at Analysys Mason looks at the increasing importance of global and regional contracts and considers the implications and criteria for today’s companies buying connectivity.

Download this report to learn:

  • Why regional and global contracts are on the rise, and the options available for customers who want to reap the benefits.analysys report-1
  • A data-driven forecast of the contracts awarded on a global or regional basis, and projections for the future of IoT.
  • The 10 key considerations companies should weigh when purchasing connectivity

Plus, free inside - Read the case study! OneLifeTeam International Provides Users Safety and Security with floLIVE Connectivity

Download the Analysys Mason report here